GranVilla Designs
GranVilla Designs
Transform Your Home and Lifestyle
  • Your Home Improvement
    ​& Renovation
    Your Home Improvement & Renovation Specialist

    GranVilla is locally owned and operated in Boston with a focus in quality home improvement services.

What we do.

Site visits and quotes.                Th

We offer video conferencing, phone calls, and on site visits to simplify your projects from the start.

Designs and planning.               Th

We put your ideas and wants on paper to visualize what you have always dreamed of Start now  

Seamless execution and installation.

Guaranteed quality from start to finish with remodeling and installations planned around your schedule.

Our service and detail sets us apart.

"You can expect the highest quality home improvement, installations, and remodeling from GranVilla Designs because the people designing and planning for you also arrive on site from start to finish guaranteeing perfect execution!"
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Elite carpenters on call.

Work one-on-one with an expert member to receive itemized quotes, 3D renderings, and more to bring your dreams and ideas to life!

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From building to designing and everything in-between

Work with a master carpenter today.

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